Fourth Call for Expression of Interest Biblissima+ 2024-2025

Biblissima+ is launching its fourth call for expressions of interest for joint efforts in research, documentation, digitisation and valorization operations focusing on historical collections of manuscripts, early printed documents or other text-bearing objects, within the scope of the project, or to develop new tools and new usage of its portal.

These projects must be set up in partnership with one of the Biblissima+ founding teams (see call guidelines below).

The funding instruments for year 4 (2024-2025) are of three types:

  • support for “Portal Innovation” projects carried out on a personal basis by young researchers, including doctoral students (€4,000 to € 10,000);
  • support for exploratory projects (€10,000 to €20,000);
  • larger partner projects involving at least one heritage institution and a team under the supervision of a higher education and/or research institution (€10,000 to €60,000).

The results of the funded projects should be managed and shared in accordance with the FAIR principles (easily findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable) and integrated into the Biblissima+ digital infrastructure. The open availability of scientific publications and data is expected, in line with the principle of "as open as possible, closed as necessary". When data cannot be opened, it is also strongly recommended that the reasons for this be made explicit, in particular in the Data Management Plan to be attached to the application form.

Projects will be conducted once a selection has been made from all eligible proposals submitted to Biblissima+ in response to a call for projects, detailed for year 4 (2024-2025) in the guidelines that can be downloaded at the bottom of this page, the terms of which could be changed for subsequent years.


  • Publication of the call for projects: September 16, 2024
  • Letter of intent sent by applicants: no later than October 31, 2024
  • Eligibility review: November 4, 2024
  • Application deadline : January 31, 2025
  • Project ranking by the Scientific Committee Advisory Board: May 23, 2025
  • Selection by the Executive Committee and announcement of selected projects: June 12, 2025
  • Agreement between Biblissima+ and the project leaders: Spring-Summer 2025
  • Funding allocation: Autumn of 2025

Exploratory projects and partner projects must be completed within two years of the signature of the agreement.

Submission to the call

The application files for the three funding instruments can be downloaded below.

  • Letter of intent sent to before midnight on October 31, 2024. The letter of intent, which should not exceed two pages (8,000 characters maximum), should indicate: the name of the research team(s) and, if applicable, that of the heritage institution; the type of funding desired; the scientific and technical outlines of the project and the stages of its achievement, giving full details on the nature and chronology of the corpus treated; the way in which the integration of the data into the Biblissima+ portal is envisioned.

Application form sent to before midnight on January 31, 2025.

a) "Portal Innovation" projects
The application file consists of a thematic sheet and a scientific file.

b) Other projects
The application files consists of a thematic sheet, a scientific file, a data management plan and a provisional budget.

All applications must include a curriculum vitae of the applicant.

Letters of intent and application files must be submitted in electronic format, in two versions:

  • in Word or OpenOffice Writer format;
  • and in signed PDF.

Incomplete applications or those sent in another format will not be considered.
No proposals will be accepted after the call deadline.

Language: to facilitate the work of the international Scientific Advisory Board, an English version is welcome, but not mandatory. The Biblissima+ team will take care of the translation if necessary.

For any other questions, please send an email to