
Biblissima+ (Observatory of Written Cultures, from Clay to Print) is one of the structuring facilities for research selected in 2020 within the framework of the "Investissements d'avenir" programme. It takes over from the ÉquipEx Biblissima (Bibliotheca bibliothecarum novissima: Observatory of the Written Heritage of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, 2012-2021).

Biblissima+ is coordinated by the Campus Condorcet, and is led by Anne-Marie Turcan-Verkerk (AOROC, EPHE-PSL) with François Bougard (IRHT, CNRS), Marie-Agnès Lucas-Avenel (CRAHAM, Université de Caen), Emmanuelle Morlock (HiSoMa, CNRS) and Régis Robineau (Biblissima+, EPHE-PSL).

The programme is supported by the French government and managed by the National Research Agency (ANR). It will end on 31 October 2029.

Biblissima+ brings together 16 institutions and one private company, gathered in a consortium and acting through their departments or research units under their supervision. On the operational level, the execution of the programme relies on the coordinating institution (EPCC Campus Condorcet) and the founding teams of Biblissima+.


Biblissima+ creates a multi-site digital infrastructure for primary research and service devoted to the history of transmission of ancient texts, from the first Mesopotamian clay tablets to the first printed books, on all mediums and in all languages. Biblissima+ therefore deals with all heritage collections that transmit ancient texts, including archaeological sources, seals and coins, but also the archives of modern scholars and contemporary researchers when they provide original information on ancient texts and their circulation.

The founding teams of Biblissima+, which develop the main building blocks of the infrastructure (scientific resources and innovative tools), form centres of expertise on a national scale (Aubervilliers, Caen, Lyon-Avignon, Orléans, Paris, Pierrefitte, Poitiers, Tours).

Founding partners of Biblissima+

The building blocks proposed by the Biblissima+ centres of expertise have made it possible to identify 7 major fields at the cutting edge of innovation, which form clusters bringing together researchers, curators and engineers. These clusters structure the communities, produce, organise, preserve and share the relevant tools for research.

Biblissima+ Clusters

The Biblissima+ team coordinates the dialogue between clusters and the chaining of tools, as close as possible to the users, and ensures the interoperability of results. To this end, it promotes the use of Biblissima+ authority files, encourages the adoption of interoperable formats, their storage and management over time, the integration of data into the portal and the automation of their updating.

Biblissima+ Portail Team

The Biblissima+ national portal enables the interoperability of heterogeneous digital resources, allows to create data sets and to bounce back to the galaxy of tools. Biblissima+ will offer a chaining of these digital tools to enrich, share and reuse corpora according to the principles of open science.

Go to the Biblissima+ Portal


Livre blanc Biblissima+ : Observatoire des cultures écrites de l'argile à l'imprimé (octobre 2020). DOI : 10.5281/zenodo.6611721 (PDF, 54 p.)