
Biblissima+ is a structuring facility for research (EquipEx+) based around 7 areas of expertise bringing together researchers, curators and engineers on a national scale to study ancient texts and their transmission throughout History.


Biblissima+ brings together 17 teams working on ancient written traditions, from Antiquity to the computational humanities, within a consortium of 15 higher education and research institutions, one private company and the Ministry of Culture.


The governance of Biblissima+ is ensured by a Supervisory Monitoring Committee, an Executive Committee and an Executive Board supported by an international Advisory Board. The digital infrastructure is managed by the Biblissima+ Portal team.

Biblissima+ Calls for Projects

Biblissima+ allows young researchers or organisations that are not necessarily part of its founding partners to benefit from its means of action for research, documentation, digitisation and valorization operations focusing on historical collections of manuscripts, early printed books or other text-bearing objects, or to develop new tools and new usage of its portal.

The fourth call for expression of interest Biblissima+ (2024-2025) is closed since January 31. The results will be announced in June 2025.
The next call will be launched in autumn 2025.

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Le Cluster 5a de Biblissima+ organise un atelier sur l'éditeur et le thésaurus d'épigraphie, du 17 au 21 mars 2025, à l'Ecole française d'Athènes.
Vous travaillez sur des documents historiques ou littéraires et souhaitez approfondir vos compétences pour le traitement des données en XML ? Vous êtes étudiant, chercheur ou personnel affilié à la recherche avec un projet nécessitant une approche numérique des textes et documents anciens ? Rejoignez-nous pour trois jours d’immersion dans le cadre d’une formation intensive et conviviale proposée par Biblissima+.
In 2025, the annual Biblissima+ conference takes place as an international conference titled "Ancient written cultures without borders: international portals forum", which will be held at the Centre de Colloques of the Campus Condorcet, May 21 and 22, 2025.
Dans le cadre de la semaine annuelle des Clusters 5b et 7 de Biblissima+, deux conférences ouvertes à tous auront lieu le mardi 19 novembre de 17h30 à 20h, à l'amphithéâtre de la Maison Internationale des Langues et des Cultures, 35 rue Raulin, Lyon 7e.