CRAHAM has established expertise in several fields: the study of ancient textual sources; field and laboratory archaeology; paleoanthropology; numismatics; and archaeomatics (computerized data processing, GIS). It is involved with the CRC in a major programme on material sciences applied to the history of medieval libraries in Normandy.
The CRAHAM is strongly involved in the field of digital humanities in close collaboration with the Pôle Document numérique (PDN) of the MRSH of Caen and the Presses universitaires de Caen (RIN ‘Norécrit’ for the medieval sources of Normandy, ANR Actépi, programme ‘Ichtya’ for ichthyological sources) ; programme for the ‘Bibliothèque virtuelle du Mont Saint-Michel’, RIN ‘Cornum’ (Contents and Digital Corpus), shared authorities in XML-TEI (thesauri of places, persons, works, liturgical pieces), constitution of prosopographic databases (Vexicaen project, RIN Normonde). These programmes are in line with the FAIR principles, and several of them are carried out in collaboration with the consortia CAHIER, COSME and MASA of Huma-Num.