Anni Normanni – Édition numérique des textes annalistiques normands médiévaux

Project type
Exploratory project
Scientific coordinator
Fabien Paquet
Selected in

The Anni Normanni project aims to create a digital edition in XML-TEI of the annalistic texts produced in medieval Normandy, and ultimately in the whole of the medieval Norman world (Anglo-Norman and Italo-Norman worlds). First, it will provide researchers working in these areas with tools to consult and compare these texts. Moreover, it will offer new insights into the context of their writing as well as their transmission. This project involves designing a TEI schema suitable for the edition and scientific annotation of these sources, which are part of a unique textual genre – the annalistic genre – yet demonstrate a great variety and complexity. It will develop a data-entry environment, and think about the ways in which these texts can be displayed so that they can be compared and, consequently, about the points of entry into the corpus (textual or documentary approach, chronological approach).

Annales du Mont Saint-Michel. Bib. mun. d'Avranches, ms. 211

Annales du Mont Saint-Michel. Bib. mun. d'Avranches, ms. 211