Smart Critical Ben Sira (SCRIBES)

The SCRIBES project aims at designing a digital platform intended to support researchers in the creation of critical editions of texts of ancient Jewish literature by allowing the visualization of these editions according to different modalities (diplomatic, synoptic, evolving editions).

SCRIBES plans to develop, in collaboration with the Qumran Digital project (Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen), a collaborative editing and data visualization module that will take as its initial working base the data from the critical edition of the Hebrew manuscripts of Ben Sira recently carried out by J.-S. Rey (Université de Lorraine) and E. Reymond (Yale University). In addition, we plan to develop and implement modules for automatic language processing and artificial intelligence decision support.


As part of the project, discover the Py4SHS Summer School :

Image multispectrale du MS D de Ben Sira

Image multispectrale du MS D de Ben Sira (Remerciement à la Bibliothèque de l’Alliance Israélite Universelle, Paris, ID1, Photo : J.-S. Rey)