TEKLIA develops solutions for the semantic processing of digitized documents. These solutions are based on automatic learning, deep learning and natural language processing. One of TEKLIA’s areas of expertise is the automatic recognition of handwritten and printed documents. TEKLIA works for public institutions (CNRS-IRHT, AN, Chambre des notaires parisiens, Ministère de l’aménagement du territoire) or private companies.
TEKLIA devotes a significant part of its activity to collaborative research projects in France and Europe, including HIMANIS (HIstorical MANuscript Indexing for user-controlled Search) and HORAE (HOurs - Recognition, Analysis, Editions) for document analysis, text alignment, handwriting recognition and platform for visualisation and processing; HOME: continuation of the HIMANIS project, development of new tools and technologies (search engines, visualisation, indexing, editing) to create a digital search environment for medieval manuscripts.