International conference Biblissima+ 2025 — Call for papers

In 2025, the annual Biblissima+ conference takes place as an international conference titled "Ancient written cultures without borders: international portals forum", which will be held at the Centre de Colloques of the Campus Condorcet, May 21 and 22, 2025.

Register here!



The Biblissima project allowed in 2017 the opening of a portal to access Western Medieval and Renaissance eras written culture. In 2021, Biblissima+ broadened this scope to include all written documents, from the highest Antiquity until modern times, produced on any support and in potentially any ancient language. In 2025, its Observatory of Ancient Written Cultures builds its sustainability and reflects on the role of a research and service infrastructure in the landscape of international portals focusing on ancient written cultures, from Antiquity to the modern era.


  • Which standards should be promoted, with which objectives, within which communities, and according to which terms? Is AI a game changer? Keynote of Elena Pierazzo, Professeure en Humanités Numériques à l’Université de Tours, Centre d’Études Supérieures de la Renaissance (CESR) ; ERC PRIMA 'Manuscripts in the Age of Print'

  • Which data governance to imagine at an international level amongst the humanist communities working on ancient writings? Keynote of Torsten Hiltmann, Professur für Digital History, Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; NFDI4Memory, Task Area 5: Data Culture

  • What are the needs of these communities today, and even, more broadly, of humanities, what are their uses, what infrastructures are needed to meet these challenges? Keynote of Agiatis Benardou, director of the Digital Curation Unit, R.C. "Athena", Institute for the Management of Information Systems; DARIAH-EU Director, President of the Board


Managers or developers of large national and international portals, particularly the members of the Biblissima+ Scientific Council (involved for instance within Handschriftenportal, Manuscriptorium, MMM, Digital Scriptorium...) will be invited to answer these questions during keynotes and roundtables as widely open to discussions with the audience as possible. The International portals forum will be held in Aubervilliers, at the Campus Condorcet, on May 21 and 22, 2025.

Any portal manager working in the field of written cultures is invited to this forum, whether said portal gives access to sources of similar types (as digital libraries gathering ancient manuscripts and/or prints, coins, seals, medals, tablet collections…) or gathers thematically heterogeneous sources, whatever its size or audience might be.



Submission terms

A poster (A0 format) is expected for every portal participating in the forum. If you have an oral communication proposal for this major meeting of portals on ancient written cultures, it is welcome. You can send your proposals until February 14, 2025 at midnight. Proposals will be reviewed for March 3, 2025.

The authors of communications as well as the posters presenters will be Biblissima+’s guests. The coffee breaks, lunch buffet and dinner on the day of the conference will also be provided by Biblissima+.