Cluster 4 – In-depth treatment of graphic systems and document analysis

1/ Ancient script analysis and annotation environment: Archetype and eScriptorium

In order to carry out transversal research in palaeography, it is necessary to define one or more ontologies of scripts and to integrate them into a structured annotation and analysis system.

The Archetype software, which is free and open source, must be entirely redeveloped to ensure its sustainability within e-Scripta. It was designed to provide a visible and reproducible methodology for exploring palaeographic data, communicating it as evidence and arguments, and managing and displaying electronic texts (such as editions and translations, palaeographic and codicological descriptions, etc).

Combined with Kraken and annotation tools within eScriptorium, we will provide an infrastructure with a user-friendly interface for the following tasks :

  • Automatic import of images from a IIIF manifest.
  • Input of ground truth data to train Kraken and to correct its output.
  • Annotation of images according to the writing ontology(ies) developed from Archetype.
  • Annotation of texts with TEI XML markup.
  • Publication of texts, images and annotations.
  • Import and export of data in different standard formats, such as IIIF, PAGE, Alto or TEI XML annotations.

2/ MultiPal to date, locate, read all writings

In the framework of the MultiPal project (interactive tutorial in palaeography), we want to :

  • increase the number of exercises in already represented scripts to better reflect their geographical and chronological extent,
  • include exercises in other writing systems,
  • create, in interaction with Archetype, a Paleographic Album that will serve as a basis for a typology of scripts and as an accessible reference to assist in dating manuscripts.