Épigraphie latine numérique de Césarée de Maurétanie : une recherche sur les données et les métadonnées d’un groupe de monuments funéraires (Ier siècle av. J.-C. – IIIe siècle apr. J.-C.).

Project type
Young researcher fellowship
Scientific coordinator
Aliénor Genéty
Selected in

The study of inscriptions from the western necropolis of Cherchell (Algeria) should enable us to identify the history of this sector and the different dynamics of necropolis establishment, the sociological profile of users and the evolution of epigraphic practices and techniques (form, paleography, etc.). Each record is designed and enriched in XML-TEI, in order to cross-reference the treatment of the inscribed text with the monument bearing the inscription. This was followed by the creation of a number of modules covering on the form (Diis Manibus, etc.) but also the palaeography of the characters themselves. This work is to be seen as an editorial "program" based on a reflection on the writing technique itself (size and shape of characters, etc.) in an attempt to shed new light on the history of the Cherchell inscriptions by creating new "serializations" that may raise the question of a single workshop or a single social group.

Illu projet Césarée de Maurétanie