Hyper-Estampages : Plateforme ouverte de valorisation de collections d’estampages d’inscriptions grecques
History led to the fragmentation of three major series of squeezes created by epigraphists working on the permanent archaeological missions of the French School at Athens in Delos, Delphi and Thasos. Today, these collections are split between Athens (FSA), Paris (Library of the Institut de France, BIF) and Lyon (UMR HiSoMA-MOM). Gathering them on an open FAIR compliant platform is the means for a fruitful utilization when editing and studying the inscriptions. Digitized images of the squeezes (2D iiif and manipulable 3D) associated with rich metadata are linked to other documentary ressources on the platform which becomes a kind of studiolo optimized for editing inscriptions. The platform is accessible from the digital portal of each conservation institution and from the Biblissima portal. The project contributes to the already existing Biblissima controlled vocabularies, which we intend to enrich with the “Greek world” branch of the controlled vocabulary EpiVoc built with the thesaurus manager Open Theso. This branch is the onset of the controlled vocabulary for Epigraphy currently developed as one of the priority actions conducted by the Biblissima + Cluster 5a “TEI and Epigraphy”.