Biblissima+ is a multi-site digital infrastructure for research and service dedicated to the history of the transmission of ancient texts, from Antiquity to the Renaissance, in the West and in the East. Project news
From Biblissima to Biblissima+
The Biblissima+ infrastructure (2021-2029) is structured around 7 areas of expertise or "clusters" bringing together researchers, curators and engineers. They form centres of expertise on a national scale around the study of ancient texts and their transmission through History...
Biblissima+ brings together 17 institutions, including several research teams working on texts from Antiquity to digital publishing, a micro-enterprise and the Ministry of Culture.
The governance of Biblissima+ is ensured by an Executive Committee and supported by an international Advisory Board. The digital infrastructure is coordinated by the Biblissima+ Portal team.
Biblissima+ Calls for Projects
Biblissima+ allows young researchers or organisations that are not necessarily part of its founding partners to benefit from its means of action for research, documentation, digitisation and valorization operations focusing on historical collections of manuscripts, early printed books or other text-bearing objects, or to develop new tools and new usage of its portal.
The fourth call for expression of interest Biblissima+ (2024-2025) is open since September 16, 2024.
Fourth Call for Expression of Interest Biblissima+ 2024-2025
Biblissima+ is launching its fourth call for expressions of interest for joint efforts in research, documentation, digitisation and valorization operations focusing on historical collections of manuscripts, early printed documents or other text-bearing objects, within the scope of the project, or to develop new tools and new usage of its portal.
Cluster 1 Annual Days 2023 "Acquisition of interoperable source corpora"
Le SIAF (Service interministériel des Archives de France) et l'équipe Portail Biblissima+ organisent les deuxièmes journées annuelles du Cluster 1 - Acquisition des corpus de sources interopérables au Campus Condorcet et aux Archives nationales les mercredi 27 et jeudi 28 novembre 2024.
Selected Proposals for Biblissima+ Third Call for Projects 2023-2024
After examination by the Scientific Advisory Board of the applications, the Biblissima+ Executive Committee has selected 12 projects to be funded in 2024.
Four Job Offers (IRHT-CNRS): TELMA platform and CartulR database
Plusieurs offres d’emploi sont proposées à l’IRHT à la section de diplomatique et au pôle numérique, autour de la plateforme d’édition électronique TELMA et en particulier de la base de données CartulR.